Ladies who are ready to finally heal your body, get healthy, and FEEL healthy:
Learn how to reverse the symptoms that are keeping you SICK, OVERWEIGHT and EXHAUSTED by healing and taking care of your body.
Take charge of your life, shift your metabolism to burn BODY FAT for fuel, reduce the inflammation creating chronic pain, and learn how to live to your BEST life!

…you were able to reduce pain, inflammation and regulate your weight with ease by simply learning what foods work best for your body and shifting your metabolic state.
…you were able to end your fight with food and your body for good. had abundant energy to do the things you love. had all of the tools necessary to end anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. were able to fall in love with your body and your life.
…you were able to discover your authentic self and live to your absolute fullest potential.  

Want to make this your reality?
Holistically Fit is your blueprint to achieve all of this and more.

This is for you if...

  •   You are constantly exhausted and have very low energy.
  •  You struggle with chronic illness, inflammatory & autoimmune diseases.
  •   You feel insecure about your body & your weight and want to change the relationship you have with yourself.
  • ​You’ve tried every diet, supplement and plan but nothing has worked.
  • ​You are ready to end your self-sabotaging behaviors.  
  • ​You are ready to invest in yourself in order to FINALLY reach your health goals so you can STOP surviving and start THRIVING!

What You'll Find Inside

My Signature 4 R Method

In Module 1, we’re going to teach you how to shift your metabolism to burn fat for fuel. This will put your body into a super healing and anti-inflammatory state, to kick start your healing. You’ll learn new habits and ways of thinking to incorporate into your daily life that are scientifically proven to make you happier, healthier, and more confident.

Here you will learn about YOUR genetically matched nutrition & movement. You'll also learn what thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and past traumas are contributing to illness and how to change and heal them so you can transform your health. You will shift from feeling “hopeless” to feeling on top of the world. Improve sleep and reduce stress.

In this module, you’ll learn the potential root causes that contributed to your illness and the blueprint for how to heal them. You will transform your brain to stop sending signals of illness and symptoms to your body, and start sending signals of healing and vitality.

You experience increased energy, symptom reduction or total reversal, regulate your weight and cultivate HAPPINESS that allows you to THRIVE for life! If you don't make this a lifestyle, you won't have lasting success. 

That's why in our final module, we share the exact process we've used to connect to our higher-selves, our intuition, and universal energy to attract healing, real results and live life to the fullest without sliding backwards and experiencing old symptoms. 

You'll feel confident knowing how to create balance and make smart decisions for continued success. 

Why I'm Different...

I do not believe in quick fixes, bandaids, extreme dieting or psychotic workouts.

I believe we are all bio-individually unique and there is no one size fits all program, with my 4 R method-I teach you how to find out what works best for YOU. 

I am ready to help you see the potential & power you already have and use it to HEAL. 
Hello friends! My name is Brianna.
For years I struggled with disordered eating patterns, chronic stress, anxiety, depression and chronic illness.

Several years ago, I set out on a journey to heal myself as conventional medicine had not improved any of my conditions but added to them. Along this journey, I discovered the power of holistic healing & nutrition--using the mind, body, and spirit (also known as the gut, brain, heart connection) to heal.

I am now absolutely THRIVING and sharing my passion with others! 

My 90 day Holistically Fit program, was built on years of education, expert experience, my own healing journey, and my current studies in functional medicine.  

The diet, medical & fitness industries are always coming out with the latest and greatest health fad yet our society is sicker, more anxious, and more depressed than ever before!
This is because many of these programs are quick fixes and do not focus on quality nutrition, lifestyle changes or mindset shifts. 

You can only have the body and life you dream for the LONG TERM if you put new habits and beliefs in place to make it stick!  

I learned all of this hard way and don't want you to. My program is different because I focus on health from the inside out.

You don't have to live your life sick, exhausted, and unhappy---you're NOT meant to!!!  My 90 day program is everything you will need to start working towards the life of your dreams.  

In Health,  

Results From Some Of My Clients...

Trisha Recupero 

After being told she would need her thyroid removed & forced to be on meds for the rest of her life, Trisha knew there had to be a better way! Within just 3 short months of Holistically Fit, her thyroid #s normalized! and she NO LONGER NEEDS MEDICATION! Not to mention all of her symptoms GONE & she feels healthier than ever before! -Way to go Trisha! 
Nikolina Iazonov 

Nikolina was in excruciating pain every day, she could not be intimate let alone do simple things like workout or even sit without pain. WITHIN A SHORT 30 DAYS! She is in Full remission of Interstitial Cystitis!!! -Kick ass Job Nikolina!
Sandra Murillo

Sandra spent years asking Doctors for alternatives & to draw the proper labs markers. She was FED UP and just wanted to feel better! She joined Holistically Fit & in just 3 short months, we started reversing her Hashimotos symptoms, found a parasite & eradicated it so she could experience TRUE healing, her mindset shifting & brain training has helped her THRIVE instead of merely surviving!-Great job Sandra!

Went from daily symptoms of pain, depression, anxiety, food intolerance's, bloating, exhaustion and more TO:

A WHOLE NEW ALEXIS & LEVEL OF HEALTH SHE HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE!  Daily Fibro aches/pains and other crappy symptoms-GONE! Poo probs- SEE YA! Depression/Anxiety- BYE! *Off all depression/anxiety meds! 
Dysbiosis/SIBO-ERADICATED!  Adrenal Fatigue-REVERSED!

Eating any food she wants! 
Lisa Hand

 She struggled with severe inflammation, excess weight, unhealthy relationships with food and her body, and extreme anxiety. After completing the 90 days of Holistically Fit, she lost 26 lbs, reduced so much inflammation that her hearing is now clear! ended her battle with food, now has the tools to end overwhelm and loves her body! -Yay Lisa! 
Nichole Gorman 
Nichole came to us sick, exhausted & had no idea where to start. In the first 2 weeks she lost 8lbs, 15" AND completely eliminated Plantar Fasciitis!!! She learned the tools to sustain long-term health and did the work to get to the root causes of a lot of her trauma, she now truly knows how to love herself! -So Proud Nichole! 
Athena Sanelli

When she started Holistically Fit, Athena was gaining 1-2lbs PER WEEK and didn't know why, had extreme migraines, food intolerance's and anxiety. She's now lost over 20lbs, is weaning off of all her medications, was able to reduce life-stressors and RESPOND vs react, and now has control of her eating habits and her battle with food! -Super Job! 

My biggest regret was waiting until my body was SCREAMING for help before I did whatever I had to in order to go into remission. 


Stop making excuses & mistakes you will pay for with your health, give your body the greatest gift of all

By the end of Holistically Fit, you will: 

  • Have the tools you need to holistically heal yourself, so you can take control of your life & finally create the future of your dreams!
  • Have a zest for life & the freedom that you never thought was possible! 
  • Have an abundance of energy, mental clarity and truly find your happiness! 
  • ​Be confident and proud of your body, your mind & your overall health! 

If you are ready to heal your body and take charge of your life in the next 90 days...

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